Dream of bright moments with Jacobs
Project for the World Cup

Football fans chanted to support users on their paths to achieve dreams


How could a coffee brand integrate into the World Cup, stand out from the competition, engage audience and stay on its platform – «Dream with your eyes open»?


Fans will shout chants to support users on their way to dreams! This idea evolved into a campaign with personalized videos — «Dream of bright moments with Jacobs».

  • Website
A «dream generator» was hosted on the main page — a football ball circled by a cloud of dreams (popular dreams from the previous campaign and new football dreams). Users selected or entered their dreams.

  • Neural Network Algorithm
For the «dream generator» we used a neural network algorithm technology. It looked simple, but provided maximum variability behind the scenes — a large quantity of dreams mixed together while staying correct and interesting.

  • Video
We used 6500 video-mixes to create UGC – fans shouted personalized chants with users’ names and dreams on the stadium stands in Jacobs section (the names were uploaded and displayed on the fans’ tablets).

For this part we used word tagging technology – using various video pieces for different wishes.


114 296 users came to the website
6 503 having created UGC videos
6%* vs plan 3% – conversion to creating UGC videos

*Average conversion to the target action using such mechanics usually amounts to 2-4%

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