Digital/PR/Event project

Island in the centre of Moscow


Make a communication breakthrough and achieve maximum reach under the legal constraints. Create a vivid summer atmosphere for Efes Pilsener, which will make it different from competitors.


A two-deck #OstrovEFES ship in Moscow city centre with a skimboarding sea-water pool, palm trees and a bungalow-bar, where top companies were busy in the coworking on weekdays, and guests danced on the sand and practiced beer yoga on weekends.

  • Celebrities
Since the #OstrovEFES opening day we were inviting as many opinion leaders to the ship as possible in order to make it a fashionable and popular venue for the mass audience and journalists.

  • PR events with partners
Six events, including a special screening of «Twin Peaks» with Amediateka and The Village, a public The Question interview with a film critic Anton Dolin, and a birthday party of the famous fashion magazine Wonderzine.
  •  BTL
We created an unusual branded design for the ship to make it a head-turner for the passer-bys in the city centre.
  •  SMM
We created the reach in social media and organised contests to engage the mass audience and invite people to the ship. We designed activities on the ship in a manner that provided consumers numerous reasons to create content on the project.


KPI PR OTS* overfulfillment by almost 2 times – 150 000 000 (target – 80 000 000).

*The number of unique PR-contacts with the audience.

138 publications – articles on The-Village, Afisha Daily, Timeout, Gazeta,The Questions, on ТV channels — «Yu» and «Music Box», and in other media.

 48 celebrities visited the ship and made publications in their personal media.

 5 700 000+ approximate number of contacts during the ship’s operation.

 4000+ visitors of #OstrovEFES.

 2200+ UGC-photos in social media.

 6 460 000 reach in social media.

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